Share Your Thoughts on Our Multi-Year Plan Implementation

Posted On Tuesday November 21, 2023

Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB) is committed to open and ongoing engagement with students, staff, families, and community partners. We recently launched our new multi-year plan, Inspire 2026, and we want to hear your thoughts and suggestions on implementation and what we should consider for future planning.

This brief video summarizes our new mission, vision, and values, along with the framework and priorities in our new multi-year plan.

All students, staff, families, and community members are invited to participate in the following ThoughtExchange question: 

  • What do you think is going well in terms of the implementation of our multi-year plan, Inspire 2026, and what suggestions do you have for our future planning?

Please click here to participate in this ThoughtExchange.

Feedback received from the ThoughtExchange will help to monitor and inform the implementation and monitoring process of our new multi-year plan. 

We ask that participants be respectful when participating, to lend to thoughtful and open discussions about our whole board. Please do not include ideas/comments that name or refer to specific students or staff or individual situations as thoughts of this nature will be removed.

How does ThoughtExchange Work?

ThoughtExchange is an anonymous platform and will allow you to share your thoughts and rate the thoughts and ideas of others. Participants confidentially share their answers to a question and can rate the ideas/answers that others have submitted. All thoughts and ratings are anonymous.

You can come back as often as you would like to participate and, in fact, we encourage you to come back to rate some of the new ideas shared since you first participated. The ratings will help us understand the most important areas for future planning.

This ThoughtExchange will be available until Friday, December 22, 2023.

If you have any questions, please contact