Nominate Your DCDSB School for Outstanding Communications

Posted On Friday February 11, 2022

Nominations are being accepted for the Reverend John Markle Home-School Communications Award!

Our Durham Catholic schools are committed to engaging with our communities by delivering timely, effective and open communication with the most appropriate tools and technology available. A selection committee is accepting nominations from parents, guardians and students who believe their school has gone above and beyond in communicating with students and families over the 2021-2022 school year. One elementary and one secondary school will be selected to receive the award at the May 24, 2022 Board Meeting. 

How to nominate a school

Parents, guardians, and students are encouraged to complete the nomination form and submit a paragraph (maximum 150 words) describing how your school demonstrates excellence, faith-based values and Catholicity in the area of school to home communications. Your submission should include examples of how your school has demonstrated school spirit and communication with your school community during the pandemic. 


Completed nomination forms and supporting examples of excellence in school to home communications will be emailed to the Durham Catholic District School Board’s Communications Department at


The winning schools will be selected by a committee consisting of one Trustee representative and two Student Trustees.

Submissions will be accepted until Friday, March 4, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.