2022-2023 Bell Time Consultation

Posted On Friday February 11, 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Durham District School Board (DDSB) and the Durham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB) are partners in the transportation consortium known as Durham Student Transportation Services (DSTS). Through this partnership, both boards’ transportation needs are consolidated to provide safe, reliable and efficient transportation services for our students.

In 2021, a bell time review was initiated to manage bus capacity while addressing driver shortages, eliminating the 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. secondary schedule, minimizing changes to the elementary school day, ensuring that students eligible for transportation can continue to take the bus; and maintaining maximum travel time for students at one hour wherever possible.

As various factors change (COVID-19 pandemic, school closures, new school openings, driver shortages, traffic congestion and changing enrolment) DSTS must examine its transportation routes and schedules to determine whether adjustments can be made to maintain or increase efficiency. Bell times and bussing schedules are a complex, interconnected system. A small change to the bell time of one school can have a ripple effect on the bell times of multiple other schools, increase ride times, or bus availability for other students.

In Durham Region and across Ontario, there is a shortage of school bus drivers. To ensure consistent transportation service is maintained for eligible students, some changes are being proposed to 2022-2023 school year bell times. Bell times adjustments are required at DDSB and DCDSB schools. Below is a list of the DCDSB schools where a change in bell times is under consideration.

DCDSB schools – Proposed Bell Time change of 10 minutes or less

Name of School

Original Bell Times

New Bell Times


All Saints CSS

8:55 AM - 2:55 PM

8:45 AM - 2:45 PM

10 minutes earlier

Good Shepherd CS

9:05 AM - 3:35 PM

9:15 AM - 3:45 PM

10 minutes later

Notre Dame CSS

8:05 AM - 2:05 PM

8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

5 minutes earlier

St. Mark the Evangelist CS

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

9:10 AM - 3:40 PM

10 minutes later

St. Monica CS

8:35 AM - 3:05 PM

8:25 AM - 2:55 PM

10 minutes later


DCDSB Schools – Proposed Bell Time change of 10 minutes or more

Name of School

Original Bell Times

New Bell Times


Arch. Denis O’Connor CHS

8:40 AM - 2:35 PM *

9:30 AM - 3:30 PM

50 minutes later

Fr. Leo J. Austin CSS

8:50 AM - 2:45 PM *

9:30 AM - 3:30 PM

40 minutes later

Holy Family CS

8:45 AM - 3:15 PM

8:15 AM - 2:45 PM

30 minutes earlier

Msgr. P. Dwyer CHS

8:15 AM - 2:10 PM *

8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

15 minutes earlier

St. Joseph CS (Uxbridge)

8:55 AM - 3:25 PM

9:15 AM - 3:45 PM

20 minutes later

St. Mary CSS

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM *

9:30 AM - 3:30 PM

30 minutes later

* Note: Original bell times listed above are prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The complete Bell Time Review Report can be found at www.dcdsb.ca.

Consultation Sessions

We know changes to bell times can have an impact on families, and we want to hear from you. A review of school bell times is underway and we invite you to provide feedback on the proposed changes by attending one of the following joint DDSB, DCDSB, and DSTS virtual community consultation sessions.

  • Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. – Register for zoom link by clicking here 
  • Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. –Register for zoom link by clicking here

You also have the option of completing a bell time change survey by clicking here or you can send your feedback to belltimes@dcdsb.ca until February 25, 2022.

Staff will be present to provide information and receive comments. Additional input can be submitted through email at belltimes@dcdsb.ca.

A final report and feedback received will be shared with DCDSB Board of Trustees in March 2022.

Durham Catholic District School Board