Holy Week: March 29 - April 2

Posted On Friday March 26, 2021
“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.’” Mark 10:27
As we prepare for the holiest days of the year, may we take time to remember Jesus’ sacrifice for our salvation as we observe Holy Thursday and Good Friday; and joyfully celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. It is our hope that your Lenten journey has provided you with time to reconnect to your spiritual life and focus on prayer.
Holy Week has always been a special time in our Catholic schools when we gather in prayerful liturgies and contemplate Jesus’ journey to the cross. Although we cannot congregate in large groups, our school staff, chaplains, faith ambassadors and students have been very resourceful in finding creative ways to continue this meaningful spiritual tradition.
This Palm Sunday we are grateful that our Catholic parish communities are able to celebrate Mass both in-person and through livestreams thanks to the ongoing efforts of our local clergy to provide spiritual leadership and pastoral care for all in need.
In keeping with our Year of Love, let us continue to pray for all who are suffering and especially for our healthcare professionals whose love of others has been so apparent in their dedication and commitment to their critical work in our communities. Thank you to our staff for your ongoing support of our students and families. May the Risen Christ bless you and your loved ones abundantly this Easter.
Yours in Faith, 
Morgan Ste. Marie                     Tracy Barill
Chair of the Board                      Director of Education