Superintendent of Education
Executive Administrative Assistant
Karen Lutz
905-576-6150 ext. 22279
About Paula
Paula Sorhaitz is the Superintendent of Safe Schools and Student Services at the Durham Catholic District School Board. She is responsible for special education programs and supports, as well as for student mental health promotion and support. Paula collaborates closely with the Special Education Advisory Committee and the Academic Services department to support educational and well-being supports for all students. She also oversees Alternative Education and Catholic Return Ticket, the DCDSB program for long-term suspensions and expulsions. As Superintendent of Safe and Caring Schools Paula works closely with Board staff and community partners to implement school safety programs and crisis support.
From a very young age Paula knew she wanted to be a teacher as she derived great satisfaction from helping others learn. She has always been passionate about meeting students where they are at and finding creative, faith-centred and innovative ways to engage them. Paula has been committed to life-long learning, completing a Bachelor of Arts degree, a Master of Science in Education and a Master’s Degree in International School Leadership. She has fulfilled a variety of roles within DCDSB since 1994, including Secondary Teacher, Curriculum Chair, Vice Principal, Principal, Re-engagement Lead and now serves as Superintendent of Education. Every role has been fulfilling in its own way and has allowed Paula to explore new and meaningful strategies to make positive impacts on student faith development and learning.