Registering your child in a Durham Catholic school is the strongest show of support for Catholic education a parent can make. Another way that Catholic parents and Catholics in the community, can support Catholic education in Durham Region is by ensuring that you direct your support to the English-Separate system with the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC).
Many English-Separate ratepayers don’t have children, but attended Catholic schools themselves. Others have children who completed their Catholic education, or are family members of current students. Each voter’s reason for supporting Catholic education is unique, but collectively they share a unified faith in a system that delivers exceptional faith-based education to more than 21,000 students in Durham Catholic schools every day.
The voice and vote of Catholic ratepayers is important to the future of our Catholic schools. In order to vote for Catholic trustees, Durham Catholic District School Board ratepayers must be registered as separate school supporters.
To make the process of verifying support easier for voters, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) has created
Through, all Ontario residents can check to ensure that their information is accurately reflected on MPAC’s Preliminary List of Electors for the municipal and school board elections.
For more information call 1-866-296-6722.