Brooklin French Immersion Study | ||||||||||||||||
At the Regular Board Meeting held on January 27, 2020, the Durham Catholic District School Board of Trustees approved the commencement of a Brooklin French Immersion (FI) Study to review the St. Leo Catholic School and St. John Paul II Catholic School FI programs which currently serve students in the Brooklin community. The study is intended to address projected enrolment decline and viability of the FI programs at each school. Through a series of public meetings, the study will examine existing programs and make recommendations by June 2020 to ensure long-term sustainability of FI programming in Brooklin. The Durham Catholic District School Board is committed to an open and transparent process that allows for public input through a variety of means. Public meetings have been scheduled on the dates below to present the options under consideration and recommendations for the changes to the programs. Each evening is intended to offer our parents and guardians the opportunity to ask questions and provide input.
Latest Updates (March 26, 2020)Transition Newsletter from St. Leo Catholic School for families (March 26) Transition Newsletter from St. Leo Catholic School for new families (February) Transition Timelines for St. John Paul FI Students to transition to St. Leo
DocumentsBelow are documents regarding the boundary review for the Brooklin French Immersion Study: Board Report - January 27, 2020 Letter to Families - January 28, 2020 Letter to Families - Notification of Postponement - April 28, 2020 Board Report - September 28, 2020 Letter to Families - Notification of upcoming Virtual Public Meetings Board Report - October 26, 2020 Board Report - November 23, 2020 |
Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School and Monsignor John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School | ||||||||||||||||
At the Regular Board Meeting held on September 23, 2019, the Durham Catholic District School Board of Trustees approved, in principle, boundary changes between Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School and Monsignor John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School. This Boundary Review is being conducted in accordance with Board Policy PO415 School Boundary. The boundary change has been initiated to align the recently changed boundaries between St. Christopher Catholic School and St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School. The purpose of the boundary change is to direct all students who live in the area south of King Street West, and west of Stevenson Road to attend Monsignor John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School. The proposed changes will be phased in over time and the first students affected by the changes will attend Monsignor John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School in September 2023. Until then, as per the elementary boundary change, students in the affected area will continue to attend Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School. Student transportation will be provided to each school in accordance with board policy. The Durham Catholic District School Board is committed to an open and transparent boundary review process that allows for public input through a variety of means. Public open houses have been scheduled on the following dates to present our rationale and recommendations for the changes to the boundary and to offer parents and guardians the opportunity to ask questions and provide input: Tuesday, November 26, 2019 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Monsignor John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School (Learning Commons) 370 Conant Street, Oshawa
Tuesday, December 3, 2019 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School (Learning Commons) 700 Stevenson Road North, Oshawa If you require accessible accommodations to participate in the public open house, please contact Lori Jones at 905-576-6150 ext 22238 or by email at in advance of the meeting. In addition to the meetings, a dedicated phone line at 905-576-6150, ext. 42252, and e-mail address have been established as an opportunity to provide input. All information related to this boundary change will be found on this page. |
St. Christopher and St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Schools | ||||||||||||||||
The board is beginning a boundary review process for the on February 25, 2019, the Durham Catholic District School Board of Trustees approved “in principle” boundary changes between St. Christopher Catholic School and St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School for both the Regular Track and French Immersion programs. This Boundary Review is being conducted in accordance with School Boundary PO415. The boundary change process has been initiated to address overcrowding at St. Christopher Catholic School. The boundary change would direct all students who live in the area south of King Street West, and west of Stevenson Road to attend St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School for both the French Immersion and English programs starting in September 2020. All information related to this boundary change will be found on this page. What will the boundary change look like?
The proposed changes will be phased in with English and French Track students entering Kindergarten to Grade 4 moving to St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School in September 2020.
DocumentsBelow are documents regarding the boundary review for St. Christopher and St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Schools:
Brooklin Regular Track (English) Review | ||||||||||||||||
Brooklin Regular Track (English) StudySubmit Brooklin Regular Track (English) Boundary Review Feedback Board of Trustee Approved Motions (December 19, 2022)At the Regular Board Meeting of Monday, December 19, 2022, the Durham Catholic District School Board of Trustees approved the following motions regarding the consolidation of the Regular (English) Track program in Brooklin:
The decision was made based on the information and recommendations brought forward by the Brooklin Regular (English) Track Study Committee, which includes community input from three public meetings that took place in November 2022. Input was also received through a dedicated feedback form, phone extension and e-mail address. All feedback and related documents can be viewed on the webpage below. Thank you to all members of our school community for your cooperation throughout the study. We will continue to work together to ensure a smooth transition for students. More information about the consolidation of the Brooklin Regular (English) Track program, including transitional activities to support the students and families affected, will be shared in the months ahead. Brooklin Regular Track (English) Study InformationA study was completed in 2020 to determine where the French Immersion (FI) program should be located in Brooklin. A resolution and recommended option of St. Leo Catholic School for the FI program was identified and approved at the December 14, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. Approved changes were implemented in September 2021, as outlined in the Brooklin French Immersion Study – Final Staff Report. On January 24, 2022, the Board of Trustees received the Long-Term Accommodation Plan 2022-2026 (LTAP) report and approved the guiding principles and actions to be undertaken. Within the LTAP report, staff were directed to undertake an English boundary review in Brooklin to bring forth recommendations in 2022. At the September 26, 2022, Regular Board Meeting Trustees approved the proposed boundary revisions to the Brooklin Regular (English) Track Program, which would be effective September 1, 2023. Staff are now beginning consultations with stakeholders and the Brooklin community.
Through a series of public meetings, the board will compile considerations and recommendations to bring to a 2022-2023 Regular Board Meeting. The Durham Catholic District School Board is committed to an open and transparent process that allows for public input through a variety of means. Public meetings have been scheduled on the dates below to present the options under consideration and to offer our parents and guardians the opportunity to ask questions and provide input. Newsletter for FamiliesA newsletter for families who will be transitioning from St. Leo Catholic School (English) to St. John Paul II Catholic School in September 2023 has been introduced. Please see the newsletters below:
Recording of Virtual Public Meeting on November 9, 2022
Questions and Answers
What Will the Boundary Change Look Like?
Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School and Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School Boundary Review | ||||||||||||||||
Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School and Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School Boundary ReviewSubmit Denis O'Connor and Notre Dame Boundary Review Feedback Board of Trustee Approved Motions (December 19, 2022)At the Regular Board Meeting of Monday, December 19, 2022, the Durham Catholic District School Board of Trustees approved the following motions regarding the boundary revisions in Ajax:
The decision was made based on the information and recommendations brought forward by the Archbishop Denis O’Connor and Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School Boundary Review Committee, which included community input that took place in October 2022. Input was also received through a dedicated webpage, feedback form, phone extension and e-mail address. All feedback and related documents can be viewed on the board’s website at Thank you to all members of our school community for your cooperation throughout the study. We will continue to work together to ensure a smooth transition for students. More information about the revised Archbishop Denis O’Connor and Notre Dame Catholic Secondary Schools boundaries will be shared in the months ahead. Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School and Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School Boundary Review InformationOn January 24, 2022, the Board of Trustees received the Long-Term Accommodation Plan 2022-2026 (LTAP) report and approved the guiding principles and actions to be undertaken. Within the LTAP report, staff was directed to undertake an Ajax Program and Boundary review to address potential program and service delivery models at one or more Catholic Schools. In preparation of this full boundary and program review, this report seeks to rectify a longstanding boundary issue that resulted from the St. Patrick Catholic School Single Track French decision of 2015. The current St. Jude Catholic School boundary is split between Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School and Archbishop Denis O’Connor Catholic High School for students attending secondary school. The legacy boundary has left the graduating Grade 8 students at St. Jude Catholic School with an option to attend either of these secondary schools. This is contrary to the joint board approved Student Transportation Policy (PO429), where school boundaries are established, and eligible students are transported to their designated area school and students who are out of boundary are not provided transportation. At the Durham Catholic District School Board’s Regular Board Meeting of Monday, September 26, 2022, the Board of Trustees approved a proposed boundary revision for Archbishop Denis O’Connor and Notre Dame Catholic Secondary Schools, which would be effective September 1, 2023.
The Durham Catholic District School Board is committed to an open and transparent process that allows for public input through a variety of means. A public meeting has been scheduled on the dates listed below to present the proposed change and provide the opportunity for our parents and guardians to ask questions and provide input.
Questions and AnswersWill Exception to School Attendance Area requests be considered for students in the area affected by the change? What Will the Boundary Change Look Like?