We recognize that local community groups, associations, and organizations have purposes and activities which are of social and educational value to the communities we serve. Our Board and schools are approached by many organizations requesting approval to facilitate information sharing and/or to distribute materials to students, staff, and parents/guardians.
Beyond school and Board information, we will only distribute critical, community information from municipal, provincial, or federal government agencies, or community non-profit organizations connected to these agencies. We do not permit solicitation or advertising of products, services, or corporations in the schools or on Board Property as per Policy #P0421 – Advertising, Announcements, Postings & Distribution of Materials.
All requests for advertising, announcements, postings and distribution of materials on Board premises or to students, parents and staff under the jurisdiction of the Board, shall be approved by the appropriate supervisor or principal.
To request approval to distribute your information outlining your organization’s request please visit our School Listing webpage for the listing of our schools and relevant contact information.